Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Colored Bubbles

The really cool thing about this painting is that the spatters you see in the painting were made by actually blowing colored bubbles onto the paper. 
Here's the instructions to make a super easy and super fun work of art.

What You'll Need:
Paper - preferably watercolor paper, but really any thick paper (I actually used Bristol Vellum paper)
More paper - This will be used to cover up parts of the painting. I suggest using something more thick than print paper otherwise it might bleed through.
Masking Tape
Pencil and/or Pen/Sharpie
1 cup of water
2 tablespoons of light Karo syrup
4 tablespoons of dishwashing detergent
Plastic Cups
Bubble wand
Food Coloring and/or scholastic watercolor pan set
Easel (Optional)


1. Draw out your design (make sure to go over it in pen or sharpie!)
2. Cover up any parts of the painting you don't want to be spattered with paper and masking tape
3.  For each color of bubbles you plan to use mix the water, Karo syrup, and detergent together in the plastic cup. 
4. If you're using food coloring (which I highly suggest) add it into each cup. I just added it an tested the bubbles out on a scrap piece of paper and kept adding more color until I decided it was vibrant enough. If you're using the watercolor palette you need to pop out the tablets out of the plastic palette (its ok if they break) and drop the entire tablet into the bubble solution and wait for it to dissolve before mixing. Again I suggest the food coloring, but I also used the watercolors and it worked too, just not as vibrant of colors. 
5. Go outside with your bubbles, art, and bubble wand and place your easel or tape your painting to a wall in the direction the wind is blowing. (You want the wind to be blowing the bubbles to your art not away!)
6. Start blowing bubbles!
7. Leave your work out to dry when finished
8. When its dry you can take off the tape and paper and finish painting the rest of the art in watercolor.
9. And voila you have a colored bubble painting!

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